Deadpool 2

The appeal of Deadpool, both as a character and as a movie franchise, is its irreverence towards superhero movie tropes specifically and the general pop-culture obsessed fan-base in general, as if he's constantly holding up a middle finger to anyone who's ever pissed him off (and to anyone he genuinely likes too, it would seem) because let's be honest, what we expect when we talk about Deadpool is not art-house film-making or emotional resonance or even a logical narrative, but unfiltered, gleeful, juvenile mayhem, full of gore, nudity, and profanity, exactly the stuff that separates the character from the litany of other more, ahem, likable superheroes out there -- all the other prefixed mans and womans, spandexed to the hilt, severely scowling and grunting and emoting at the service of saving a world that will inevitably be threatened again in a couple years seem so uncool in comparison to someone who disses his own leading actor -- because if we don't celebrate Deadpool for exactly what it represents now, the cultural narrative instantly changes to "Why Are All Superhero Movies The Same" or "Where's The Diversity" or "Can Superheroes Please Be More Fun," which in a vicious (or is it virtuous?) cycle kind of way, only breeds more movies like Deadpool, movies in which creative limits must be pushed and referential nods and winks must be appeased to satisfy an increasingly sophisticated, bombastic, demanding, and let's be frank, spoiled movie-going audience who demand more and more and more until each movie can no longer stand on its own, but instead must be supported in some version of a shared universe wherein the importance and quality of each individual story is sacrificed in the service of weaving a grand, overarching tapestry that regardless of our preferences, will ostensibly only breed more lower quality movies until it all becomes just a little too much, not unlike someone word-vomiting a several-hundred word blog entry on Deadpool 2 in one, long, entirely unnecessary but kinda-fun-to-try, run-on sentence that doesn't really talk about the movie at all -- because let's be honest, it's fun and mindless and best not to overthink it -- but in another sense, says everything we need to know about movies nowadays.